Why should you choose mathematics as an optional?

Tips to Choosing Mathematics as an Optional for IAS/IFoS Exams

Often aspirants hesitate over choosing mathematics as optional subjects due to the vastness of the syllabus and the time required to prepare for it. Choosing mathematics has many advantages over any theory or analytical based subject. Mathematics is easy but it requires lot of practice to reach the perfection. Let’s take a closer look at its advantages.

Familiarity with the Subject: We have been associated with mathematics right from school, be it a table or a simple calculation. Needless to say our school life has evolved with mathematics from class 1 to class 12th. As a result, our familiarity has grown over and over with the subject that makes it an attractive and easy to grasp optional subjects for the aspirants.

Sure Shot Marks: Mathematics provides an easy opportunity for the aspirants to score sure shot marks on the subject. That is they can be sure of the marks if they have successfully managed to solve the problem. That is not the case with any analytical or theory based paper.

Highest scoring subjects: Recent trends shows that Mathematics has evolved as a preferential optional among aspirants as it fetches high scoring marks which in turn increases their overall marks in GS and improves their rankings.

→ Read Also: How to Prepare Mathematics Optional



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