Mathematics optional strategy in UPSC Civil Services Exams
For those who are aiming to take up UPSC, IAS, or other competitive exams, Maths Optional Coaching is a prerequisite.
For those who are aiming to take up UPSC, IAS, or other competitive exams, Maths Optional Coaching is a prerequisite.
Syllabus of Mathematical Sciences for CSIR-UGC CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellowship and Lecturer-ship SYLLABUS FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES General Aptitude (GA): Common to All Papers of Part – A: Logical reasoning,graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzle etc. Mathematics Syllabus (Common Syllabus for Part ‘B & C’) UNIT … Read more
Best Mathematics Optional Coaching for UPSC Mains IMS4Maths is the best UPSC coaching for Maths Optional in India that has been delivering best results in the UPSC Exam. We help to prepare students for Maths Optional for UPSC CSE exam through our comprehensive classes for Maths Optional. Our UPSC Maths Optional Classes offer support of expert UPSC … Read more
Complete Details of Contents/ Synopsis Paper – I 1. Linear Algebra 2. Calculus 3. Analytic Geometry 4. Ordinary Differential Equations 5. Dynamics & Statics 6. Vector Analysis Paper – II 1. Algebra 2. Real Analysis 3. Complex Analysis 4. Linear Programming 5. Partial Differential Equations 6. Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming 7. Mechanics and Fluid … Read more